Monday, March 2, 2009

"DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN ALBANIA" by Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights!`

The story below is extracted from "Domestic Violence in Albania" authored by Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. To read the full report please go to:

"I lived with "J" and my two young daughters. After some time, J became abusive. He severely beat me and took my money over a period of three years. I finally decided I had had enough after one particularly brutal beating resulting in black eyes, broken teeth and body injuries that kept me from work for more than three months. I prosecuted J for the assault and he was only given a small fine as a punishment.
After the court action, J's beatings became more violent. I went to the police several times but they told me there was nothing that they could do.They said that even if I prosecuted him again, J would likely only be assessed another fine.I could not leave because I had no place to go. One night J came home drunk. He had beaten me severely the night before. He shouted and threw things around the house. He threatened to bring his friends over to rape my daughters and me. He beat me again and threw me to the floor. He told me to keep my head down and not to watch what he was going to do to my daughter. When I could look up, I saw J undressing my daughter. I got up and pulled my daughter outside the door. I then hit J over and over again with a sharp object. He died as a result of the injuries. I was convicted of murder and am serving an 18 year prison sentence. They did not consider J's behavior in my trial. Is this justice?"

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